Front Walkway Renovation Projects

Excavations on the Front Walkway have begun!

Picture 005I started off by taking an pairing-edger to the entire perimeter of the walkway to establish a clean border, then I began rototilling the area (thankfully I had the foresight to water the area down over the preceding two days).  Also, I had established a firm layer of crushed rock along the eventual pathway more than two years when I first began this project.  Back then, I was only able to install the sod and sprinkler system, since we ended-up halting the purchase of flagstones materials in order to cover the legal costs associated with trying to retain primary custody of Ryan.

Picture 006

So, with all that prep-work already done two years ago, it was just a matter of shoveling the loosened dirt into a rather large pile up against the front-porch, which took the better part of four hours.  I had completed the work just a few minutes prior to Jana’s return from her weekly visit with Ryan in Corte Madera.   Wow…  it’s looking so much better already…

With the Walkway cleared, I can now begin laying-out all of the stone (how can you put together a jigsaw puzzle if you don’t have all of the pieces on the table to look at?).

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